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Jennifer Lee


Born in California, Jennifer is a regional compliance officer for a major healthcare provider.  Jennifer fell in love with Maine at first sight and is particularly fond of the unspoiled nature, moose, sunsets, peace and quiet and, of course, the local sights and seafood.  She has a special hankering for Haddock in all forms and local Damariscotta oysters on the half-shell! 


Jennifer is responsible for all of the decorating in Chez Nous Deux, although Tom helps occasionally :-) 

About Us

Hello.  We are a couple from California who loves Maine and the seacoast, but since we are not yet fully retired, we can't make use of our Maine home as often as we'd like.  But we'd like others to enjoy Chez Nous Deux as much as we do when we're there, so we hope you can make it to our wonderful location!



Tom Anderson


Tom is a retired banker after 43 years, including running his own bank and trust company.  He currently serves as President of the Retirement Industy Trust Association (RITA), an association of self-directed custodians. 


Tom loves lobsters, of course, and oysters probably more than Jennifer.  He also loves to go downriver in their boat to fish or to lunch in BoothBay Harbor or East Boothbay and is also an excellent cook!

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